CONFERENCES & TRAININGSMichael D. Yapko, Ph.D. 4-part online workshop MICHAEL YAPKO, PH.D. Treating Depression Hypnotically and Strategically: A 4-Part Webinar In this training program, Dr. Yapko will discuss:
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck Europe, depression was already the most common mood disorder on the continent, just as it is the most common mood disorder in the world. COVID-19 has created a sharp rise in people reporting higher levels of anxiety and depression, which isn’t really very surprising given how often these two disorders are found to co-exist in people. The long-term impact of the COVID-19 world crisis remains to be seen, but already the debilitating anxiety and depression too many people are experiencing is increasing as a result of their sense of isolation, helplessness, and hopelessness. The depression isn’t just in their neurochemistry – no, it’s point of origin is in their circumstances. This observation alone requires us to re-think what we believe about depression, who is vulnerable to it and under what conditions, and most importantly, what to do about it when trying to help others.
Treating Depression Hypnotically and Strategically is a four-part webinar that emphasizes the importance of utilizing proactive and well-targeted interventions when treating depression. How a clinician thinks about the nature of depression and answers fundamental questions - such as what causes depression - naturally determines what treatment approach he or she is most likely to take. Regardless of one’s preferred orientation, however, depression experts agree that treatment needs to be multi-dimensional and active, thus providing an empirical foundation for using hypnosis and strategic interventions. Furthermore, the more we learn about the neuroscience of depression, especially neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, the more important well designed experiential learning processes become in treatment. These include the use of task assignments and hypnosis.
Dr. Yapko’s well-known books on depression, which include Keys to Unlocking Depression, Depression is Contagious, Hypnosis and Treating Depression, Breaking the Patterns of Depression and Hand-Me-Down Blues, each break new ground and challenge much of the conventional wisdom therapists typically hold about depression and its treatment. In this webinar, we will pay special attention to the ways in which our social lives directly shape our perspectives and phenomenology and thereby powerfully affect the way we think and feel.
Our relationships can depress us and they can heal us. The cutting edge of rapidly expanding scientific evidence highlights that the more we learn about the biology of depression, the more important psychology and social life experience become in understanding and treating it effectively. How therapy, itself a social process, can teach skills known to reduce and even prevent depression will be explored in depth. Lecture, discussion, case examples, and structured skill-building hypnosis practice sessions will be provided during the training. A primary goal is for attendees to further evolve their skills in applying hypnosis in the treatment of depression.
SCHEDULE OF TOPICS Section 1: Developing a Realistic View of Depression and the Benefits of Hypnosis
Section 2: Focus on the Individual
Section 3: Focus on Relationships
Section 4: Key Points, Key Strategies
MICHAEL D. YAPKO, Ph.D. Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist residing in Southern California. He is internationally recognized for his work in advancing clinical hypnosis and outcome-focused psychotherapy, routinely teaching to professional audiences all over the world. To date, he has been invited to present his ideas and methods to colleagues in more than 30 countries across six continents, and all over the United States. His workshops are well known for being practical as well as enjoyable. Dr. Yapko has had a special interest for over four decades in the intricacies of brief therapy, and the clinical applications of hypnosis and directive methods, especially in the strategic treatment of depression. He is the author of 16 books and editor of three others, as well as numerous book chapters and articles on the subjects of hypnosis and the use of strategic psychotherapies. These include his widely used classic hypnosis text, Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis (5th edition), the award-winning books Treating Depression with Hypnosis: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral and Strategic Approaches (2001), Hypnosis and Treating Depression: Applications in Clinical Practice (2006), and Keys to Unlocking Depression. His newest book, Process-Oriented Hypnosis: Focusing on the Forest, Not the Trees, was just released a couple of months ago (March, 2021). He has also produced many CD and DVD programs. His works have been translated into ten languages. More information about Dr. Yapko’s teaching schedule and publications can be found on his website: COST : If you are interested, please fill in the form and send it to
XXII World Congress of Medical & Clinical Hypnosis. Cooperation in hypnosis. Challenges & Benefits. 8-11.06.2022. Krakow, Poland. ![]() We are both happy and proud to invite you to the XXII World Congress of Medical & Clinical Hypnosis Cooperation in hypnosis. Challenges & Benefits that will take place in Krakow, Poland on 8-11th of June, 2022. Krakow is one of the most recognizable cities in that part of Europe visited by about 13 milion visitors annually attracted by beautiful landscapes of the city, attractve streets, squares and the largest historical complex, unique on global scale. The congress will take place on 8-11th of June, 2022. The pre-congress workshops are planned for 7th of June, 2022. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020) Tribute... We invite you to take part in an online tribute meeting to Ernest Rossi (1933-2020). The meeting is open to everyone who had an opportunity to study with Dr Rossi and to those who want to listen to personal reflections about this unusual therapist. WHAT: Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020) Tribute... an online meeting Ernest Lawrence Rossi (1933-2020)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ UtiliSeasation - XXIX. Seminar- und Supervisionswoche Kloster WIGRY in Polen vom 24-31.08.2019. "Vom Navigieren beim Driften - Bewegungen in jeder Lebenslage: Trauma, Augenbewegungen, Körperbewegungen, Tanzbewegungen, Impro, Zaubern, Feldenkrais, TaiChi" 2019 wird das 29. Wigry stattfinden. Dieses Mal wieder im August, sodass man die Familie ebenfalls mitbringen kann nach Wigry. Es wird wie immer einzelne 4-stündige Workshops vormittags geben (inkl. 30min. Pause) sowie Dauer-Workshops (durchgängig) wie Bühnenpräsenz lernen oder Körperselbsterfahrung oder Kunstworkshop. Sicher ist, das 2019 wie schon 2018 wieder Laurence Sugarman, Wolfgang Wendlandt sowie Claudia Reinicke mit an Bord sind. Im Anschluss die Kajaktour vom 31.08 – 7.09.2019
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